Centers of Excellence Sairam IT

Centers of Excellence Robotics and Embedded System

Robotics and Embedded System

Activities on Robotics Engineering is carried out in association with e-Yantra(IIT Bombay).e-Yantra is an initiative by IIT- Mumbai to create an eco-system at the colleges to impart effective engineering education and is sponsored by MHRD under the National Mission on Education through ICT program. e-Yantra Lab Setup Initiative (eLSI) is a college level program under which colleges are encouraged to setup robotics laboratories. This is the good opportunity for thestudents to enhance their technical skills. The robotics laboratory will also help towards providing an incubation facility for budding engineers to become entrepreneurs.


  • To teach the basic conceptsof Robotics and involve them in exhaustive study of robotics engineering.
  • To enhancetheproblem solving skills with an integrated approach while working on multi disciplinary engineering projects like Robotics and teach project management.
  • Toorganize various events like special lectures, seminars, webinars, video conferences, project Exposandworkshopsin thecampus.
  • To provide members industry exposure through local and national contests.
  • To promote student growth through team achievement and group competition.
  • To teach and learn the current trends of Robotics engineering,
  • To train the students in real time Projects.
  • To attract an industrialsupport for the Robotic clubdevelopment.


Road Map:

  • Faculty and industrialistswill form team and initiate the training processes for the students membersin the Robotics Club.
  • Faculty will work with students to develop the robotics systems.
  • Students will meet once a week with the faculty to work on the projects.
  • During semester end, students may register for a “Special Topic” course to continue to work on the projects.


  • Institutionprovides adequatespace to establish anddevelopment of the Centre of Excellence in Robotics and Embedded System.
  • Multipurpose practice table is provided to avoid damage to robots and keep activitiesaccessible and visibleto all students
  • Network facility is provided. The software and curriculum is loaded on computer.

Equipments:4 numbers of firebird V 2560 and 5 numbers of Spark V Robot with all necessary accessories

Centre for Excellence in Industrial Automation

Students are being trained for the needs of industry with recent technologies in core engineering. Hands on training with Programmable logic controllers are being given to all the students of our department in the third year even semester. Students are encouraged to visit the industries to learn the new technologies in Advanced controllers. Workshops are conducted to update their automation skills.


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