
Facilities library


A library is the heart of an academic institution, which is established in the year 2008 with the facility of centralized Air-condition.

The library is situated in the first floor of the main building. The Library transactions are carried out through Bar Code Technology. It has the facility of Web OPAC-online search. Our institution encourages all students and staff members to make the best use of the library, which has been carefully built up, since the inception of the college. The library is housed in a spacious area of about 800 sq.m., which is fully computerized and air-conditioned along with the Reference Section, Periodicals Section, and Stack Area. Presently, more than 32669 volume, 8311 title of books and reference volumes are stacked for the benefit of staff and students. There is also an established media resource centre. The library follows the open access system and encourages the students to browse the stack area. The library subscribes more than 120 specialized International & National journals. The Library has its Institutional membership in Anna University, DELNET (Developing Network), British Council Library (BCL), National digital Library (NDL), Madras Library Association (MALA), Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science (SALIS).

Constant addition of titles and volumes in all the fields of Engineering, Management, Basic Science and Humanities is the regular feature of the library. Every effort has been made to obtain all titles, which are recommended by the Principal, Senior Librarian & faculties.

Newspapers reputed weekly and fortnightly magazines are subscribed to enable the students to keep day-to-day trends. The library comprises an Audio-Visual section, which is equipped with video cassettes and CDs. We have Bar-coding and Internet connectivity too. One Reprographic machine has been provided for taking copies from library itself.

Library Staff Details:

Sl.No.Name of the StaffDesignationQualification
1Dr.T.N.M.Tharinni MaiSenior LibrarianM.A., M.L.I.S., M.Phil., MBA, Ph.D.
3S.KavithaAssistant LibrarianM.Com., M.L.I.S
4A.PappiLibrary AssistantM.A., B.L.I.S
5K.P.K.Mohana MuthukumarJunior Assistant M.A.,M.L.I.S

Library Area & Collections:




Library Resources:

1ECE940 3760 66
Science Direct (275)
IEEE (1540))
2CSE939 3755 66
3IT937 3748 66
4EEE939 3754 66
5MECHANICAL855 3419 66
6civil668 2672 66
7S & H1092 4026 66
8M.E. 15064533
9MBA1791 68901515
  • Charging & Discharging
  • Reference Service
  • Document Delivery Service
  • Current Awareness Service
  • Inter Library Loan Service
  • Electronic Information Service
  • Photocopy Service
  • Newspaper Clippings
  • Online courses (NPTEL ,Swayam)
  • Anna University question bank
  • Project Report
  • Back Volumes

Library Hours : Mon to Sat (8.30 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.)


  • Books will be issued only after producing valid user ID card.
  • Books borrowed must be returned on or before the due date.
  • Two renewals can be done.
  • Renewal of books must be done in person, e-mail and sms.
  • Users are requested to verify the physical condition of the book/s before borrowing.
  • For late return of books, overdue charges will be collected as per rules.
  • Users are requested to deposit their bags/belongings (other than valuables) at the personal belongings counter.
  • Users are requested to observe silence inside the library.

Number of users (Issue of books) :

Issue of Books
Research Scholars5

Stack Room
The books are classified according to the Universal Decimal Classification. Bay guides are available for easy access. Open access system is followed, which goes a long way to help the readers in locating books and making search easy.

Reading Hall

It is a spacious and ventilated area for comfortable reading for a long time. It is provided with 12 tables and a seating capacity of 180 chairs. Students are permitted to bring the books from the stacks for reading.

Rare Books Collection
In this section, rare books are displayed for the awareness of the users to update their knowledge
New Arrivals Section
In this section, latest titles and editions are displayed for the attention of the users to update their knowledge.   
Non Book Materials
Back Volumes
OPAC Services (Online Public Access Catalogue)
Reprography Section
Photocopier is available in the Library. Library provides reprographic service to the users. This service is helpful to the students for preparing their study materials, paper presentations, projects etc.

It has the collection of around 3000 CDs for all disciplines, including sources like e-books, e-journals, GRE, GATE, GMAT, TOEFL, and other competitive exam books, etc. In addition, Audio and Video Cassettes are available in the library. This section also has well-equipped furniture and computers.

Online Resources

The web address and access through IP (click here)

SCIENCE DIRECThttp://www.sciencedirect.comECE (150), CSE & IT(156), EEE(53), MECH (104), Civil(43), S&H(85)637
IEEEhttp://ieeexplore.ieee.orgECE (101), CSE & IT (120), EEE(100), MECH (64), S&H(63)273
SPRINGERhttp://www.springerlink.com/Electrical & Electronics( 74) Computer Science Engg.(75)149
SPRINGERhttp://www.springerlink.com/Mechanical (49)49
ASCEhttp://ascelibrary.org/Civil (35)35
DELNEThttp://delnet.nic.in/Digital LibraryDigital Library
BCLwww.britishcouncil.org.inInstitutional MemberInstitutional Member
E-Books and Periodicals (Open Access):
Directory of Open Access Journals (Covers over 2000 open access journals on all major subject areas) http://myownjournal.com
Electronic Library of Mathematics (by European Mathematical Society and Zentralblatt Math and Includes journals, monographs and lecture notes)
DIGI Zeitschriften (Completely or partial on-line available magazines )
Seals(Swiss Electronic Academic Library Services) Portals (Provides free online access to archives of Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici and LENSEIGNEMENT MATHATIQUE )
Goettinger digitization center GDZ (Provides free online access to monographs, articles etc in mathematics )
Numdam Website ( The NUMDAM programme is supported by the French ministry of higher education and research by CNRS. It attempts to retro-digitize the ancient mathematics documents published in France )
The NASA Astrophysics Data System (The Digital Library for Physics, Astrophysics, and Instrumentation developed by NASA)
HighWire Press(Standford University)
CERN Document Server (Over 800,000 bibliographic records, including 360,000 fulltext documents, of interest to people working in particle physics and related areas. Covers preprints, articles, books, journals, photographs, and much more.)
SPIRES - HEP Literature Database (Search more than 500,000 high-energy physics related articles, including journal papers, preprints, e-prints, technical reports, conference papers and theses, comprehensively indexed by the SLAC and DESY libraries since 1974.)
Indian Academy of Sciences Publications
Gallica - National Library of France (Please select Recherche and then Periodique from this web site to see the list journals including Royal Society of London's Journals available)
Scirus - a science specific search engine
Open J-Gate (Open J-Gate is an electronic gateway to global journal literature in open access domain.)
http://www.ias.ac.in Indian academy of science publications
http://www.niscair.res.in NISCAIR Online Periodicals Repository
Indian Academy of Sciences Publications
Gallica – National Library of France (Please select Recherche and then Periodique from this web site to see the list journals including Royal Society of London’s Journals available)
Scirus – a science specific search engine
Open J-Gate (Open J-Gate is an electronic gateway to global journal literature in open access domain.)
http://www.ias.ac.in Indian academy of science publications
http://www.niscair.res.in NISCAIR Online Periodicals Repository
Free Online Course Materils :
Free Online MIT course materials www.ocw.mit.edu

NPTEL (www.nptel.ac.in/LocalChapter) – Online Courses

The National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), a project funded by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD),[1] provides e-learning through online Web and Video courses in Engineering, Sciences, Technology, Management and Humanities. This is a joint initiative by seven IITs and IISc Bangalore.

NDL (www.ndl.iitkgp.ac.in) e-Library

The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) under its National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT) has initiated the National Digital Library of India (NDL India) pilot project to develop a framework of virtual repository of learning resources with a single-window search facility.

DELNET (Developing Network – Data base)

Sharing of resources among the libraries by developing a network of libraries, by collecting, storing and disseminating information and by offering computerized services to the users.

Shodhgangha (www.shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in)

The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access.

News Paper Section

There is a separate stand to read Newspapers and magazines like Reader’s digest, Frontline.
The following 11 numbers of Newspapers are subscribed for the Library.

  • The Hindu- English
  • The Hindu- Tamil
  • The New Indian Express
  • The Times of India
  • Deccan Chronicle
  • Dina Mani
  • Dina Malar
  • Daily Thanthi
  • Dinakaran
  • Employment News (English)
  • Employment Services (Tamil)

Periodical Section

No. of National & International Subscription: 120

Magazines : 28

A separate Section is available for Periodicals in the First floor. It has 4 tables with the seating capacity of 60 chairs. This section has both technical and Non-technical Journals and Magazines of National and International levels. The latest issue of Journal and Magazine is exhibited outside in the respective shelves. Previous issues will be converted as back volumes after one year.

Book’s Exhibition

The library organizes the book exhibition every year for the benefit of the readers. The main aim of the library is to increase the level of reading habits.

The library organizes the book exhibition every year for the benefit of the readers. The main aim of the library is to increase the level of reading habits.


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