Day 1:02.02.2015
The day’s programme started with the Attendance of the campers at 9.00am. The NSS flag was hoisted by Dr. K Palanikumar, Principal Sri Sairam Institute of Technology at 10.30 am .The camp inauguration function started at 11:00am with NSS song.
The NSS programme officer Dr.K.Baranidharan made the welcome speech. In the speech the aim and objectives of NSS and role of NSS to the society was explained in detail. The purpose and the various activities of the special camp also explained in detail. In his welcome address he invited personalities who were present for the inauguration welcomed.
The presidential address was made by Dr. K Palanikumar, Principal Sri Sairam Institute of Technology. In his address he focused the importance of the National Service Scheme and role of youth in the development of nation.
In the inaugural function chief guest Thiru.Saiprakash Leomuthu, CEO, Sri Sairam Group of Institutions, made an important talk regarding the vital role of NSS to the society development and the camp was formally inaugurated by lighting the lamp.
Vote of thanks was delivered by Prof.G.Saravanan, ECE Department. Other than the campers, NSS volunteers, students, staff of SIT also attended the function. After lunch the camp orientation started by 2.00pm. Accommodation an campers was arranged the campers were divided into 5 (Red, Green, Black, Yellow and White) group and duties for coming days are assigned.
A survey on the current educational and technological status of the Haunmanthpuram village people was taken for the possible development of the same, if necessary. It is found that the villagers there are kind enough to us when the exposure to world is dilated to them though us. Hence, an interaction was scheduled between the interested villagers and technical team. Simultaneously, our NSS volunteers divided into groups had with a leader decided to render their services and planned for the next day’s activities to be done.
The following are the rest of the slots that day.
Day 2: 03.02.2015
As planned, this day begins with removing derived grass, picking up unwanted stones, taking off the polythene covers and cleaning off the algac over the steps. On seeing this, the villagers promised us to maintain the place hygienic in the future as it was then.
Our NSS volunteers, later that day, conduced on awareness program named as “Reaching the Unreacher” in order to help the students of Hanumanthpuram Govt.Secondary School to learn about compute technology. In addition, they trained the Youths of the village by offering them a short-term course on Painting and Internet. As a part of “Reaching the Unreached”, we conducted competitions on English and Mathematics and distributed prizes to the winners
We discussed the importance of school education and also persuaded them to take up higher education. The computer training ended by 4.00 pm. And is followed by the school student’s cultural programs. At 5.30 pm the NSS volunteers distributed pamphlets on the Free Eye Camp and General Medical camp stating the free medicine and eye operation by “Sri Saithya Sai Medical College” to be conducted the next day. Each team went to different places around Hanumantapuram, Dasirikuppam and nearby villages.
While distributing the pamphlets, we interacted with villagers about the medical facilities they were exposed to also came to know about the significance
that they gave towards medication. This uncovering helps us to educate them the importance of medication.
At 7.00 p.m., we joined together after the day’s long activities. Then, each group shared their experience with villagers; also everyone shared how the response was from the people about the activities. These activities gave us chances to understand the lifestyle, exposure and the mentality of the villagers. Also, we learnt how to work as teams and importance of team spirit and leadership
Day 3: 04.02.2015
At 6.00 a.m in the morning, divided as teams went to sweeping work in and around the Govt. School Premises, as well as the various places of the village such as roads, important pavements and public pathways. As a part of this work, degradable and non-degradable works are segregated and disposed.
Sri Saithya Sai Medical College extend their helping hands to the people of Hanumanthapuram village by conducting Health check-up and the Eye-care camp, around 185 villagers are benefitted by this camp. Those who had deficiency of Vision are recommended using optical glasses, which is promised to be sponsored at a free of cost by our management, our part in this regard is to provide the place to arrange the seats ad to give food to the Sri Saithya Sai Medical Colleage campers there.
The next session begins with the “Youth Career Development Program”. Dr.K.Maran, Director, Sri Sairam Institute of Management Studies the voice of foundational understanding of the career and employability skills. He also had engaged an eye-opening session by providing necessary information on learning programs, education and training providers, qualifications and job opportunities and youth life skills facilitation access to counseling services, wherever it is required. The volunteers are motivated by this class.
By evening a meeting to discuss about the medical camp was carried out. In this meeting all the positive and negative feedbacks were sorted and the suggestions given by the people are noted down. To the end, the next day program was scheduled. Based on the feedback and suggestions that day, the responsibility had been handed over to the next team leader.
Day 4: 05.02.2015
At 6.00 am to 9.00 am, we went to ArulmekuAhoraVeerapatherer temple near Hanumantapuram where we found the environment of temple being not maintained properly and pond being covered with wastes and algae over the steps.
By 10 am to 11.15 am the chief speaker B.Prakash, coordinator, Vivekanda Youth Forum, Chennai. Shares and discusses the problems facing by today’s youth. He also in his speech stressed that the and ethnic or religious group restriction affect young people generally. Most discussions on youth have focussed on issues such as drug abuse, crime, violence, sexuality and poverty. In addition to these, today’s youth are afflicted by new challenges.
These points are discussed:
At 11.30 am to 12.45 am the special speaker Mr. Ravindren, coordinator, Vivekanda Youth Forum, Chennai. He Sharing and Discussion friendly “Youth Power”
The power of youth is of most importance in today’s time. It has underplayed itself in field of politics. It should become aspiring entrepreneur rather than mere workers. It can play a vital role in elimination of terrorism. Young participation is important because youth are the country’s power. Youth recognize problems and can solve them. Youth are strong forces in social movements. They educate children about their rights. They help other young people attain a higher level of Intellectual ability and to become qualified of thanks…..
At 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm the afternoon session takes Prof.K.Ravikumar. Physics department, Sri Sairam Institute of Technology He demonstrates “Simple Science Experiments” by using low cost materials to the school students and NSS Volunteers.
Evening at 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm the evening session takes Prof.D.Muralidharan. Maths department, Sri Sairam Institute of Technology on the topic of “Life and Mathematics of Srinivasa Ramanujan” to both school students and NSS Volunteers.
Day 5: 06.02.2015
By 6am in the morning, we separated into teams went on to clean the Village Water Tank and environment around the roadside.
At 10.00 am to 1.00 pm free veterinary camp for Hanumanthapuram, the chief Doctor HelkaNernjan, veterinary hospital in Karumpakkam, she take the incharge of camp the following treatment (Goat, Cow, Buffalo. Hen) in the camp.
Afternoon 3.00 p.m Dr.MeenakshiSudhakar from the Kurinji Nagar was present to explain the importance of joy and laughter in a human being’s life. Also she explained the significance of a Healthy TEETH and how teeth could affect one’s face and their expressions.
Day 6 : 07.02.2015
Fire safety and First aid awareness program started 10.00 am to session taken by Kancheepuram District Fire Officer, Mr.C.Manoharan. He sharing the voice Fire Equipment, Calling the Fire Service, Fire Extinguishers, Breakdown of a fire extinguisher, Fire Hoses, Fire Alarm Systems, Evacuating in an Emergency, etc.,
NSS Volunteers was conducting the sports events for the school children. Some events like running race, musical chair, stone picking, bottle filling, Volleyball for boys and Throw Ball for girls were conducted. Many students came forward to show their skills in the game events they are expert in. Some students also showcased their things in drawing and singing skills.
We appreciated the children who had the talents in them. Prizes were distributed to those children. It was so good to see the children showing a smile on their face and sharing it with friends. The day passed by just for the children’s happiness. Their parents were also so happy for their children.
Day 7 : 08.02.2015
The valedictory function was held on 8th February. The last day of the camp, there was a big ceremony to help the people there. We made a Diaz there as we have to finish the camp with the people there.
The ceremony started around evening by 3p.m.
MJF. Lion Leo Muthu, CEO of Sairam Group of Institutions along with Dr.K.Palanikumar, Principal of Sri Sairam Institute of Technology and The Chief guest Prof.Arunachelam, Placement Officer, Sri Sairam Group of Institution some other dignitaries had come by for the ceremony.
After addressing the gathering we distributed 25 spectacles and the two speakers and amplifier, Fixing Index five thousand liter water tank, mate 25, student chats frame, cooking vessels provided to primary, elementary and middle schools. The prizes for the children who won in the game events the previous day.
The final day of our camp ended in happiness and we appreciated each other for the works we did during the camp with good team co-ordination.Vote of thanks by Dr.K.Baranidharan, NSS Program Officer.
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