
Facilities Committee Internal Compliant Cell (Vishaka Committee)

Internal Compliant Cell (Vishaka Committee)


Sexual Harassment at a workplace is undoubtedly a violation of women’s right to equality, life and liberty. It does not only create an impediment in the way of women’s participation in constructive activities at a workplace but does render the workplace hostile and insecure for them as well. Hence, in compliance with the guidelines on sexual harassment prevention in the workplace, issued by the Hon’able Supreme Court of India in 1997 (Vishaka Judgement), our college has constituted Vishakha Cell with an object to promote the principle of gender equality enshrined in the Indian Constitution. The cell is intended to take utmost care of the grievances of girl students and female employees in the campus.


  • Prevent discrimination and sexual harassment against women, by promoting gender amity among students and employees
  • Make recommendations to the Management for changes/elaborations in the Rules for students in the Prospectus and the Bye-Laws, to make them gender just and to lay down procedures for the prohibition, resolution, settlement and prosecution of acts of discrimination and sexual harassment against women
  • Deal with cases of discrimination and sexual harassment against women, in a time bound manner, aiming at ensuring support services to the victimized and termination of the harassment


  • The Committee shall decide whether the facts contained in the complaint make out a case of “sexual harassment” in light of the definition contained in the Policy
  • The Committee shall look into the truth of the allegations contained in the complaint
  • The Committee shall look into the truth of any allegation of retaliation against / victimization of the complainant or any other person assisting her as a result of such complaint having been made or such assistance having been offered
  • The Committee shall recommend the penalties / action to be taken against any person found guilty of having sexually harassed the complainant, up to and including termination, to the Management
  • The Committee shall recommend the penalties / action to be taken against any person found guilty of having retaliated against / victimized the complainant or any other person assisting her as a result of such complaint having been made or such assistance having been offer
  • The Committee shall recommend appropriate psychological, emotional and physical support (counseling, security and other assistance) for the victim to the Management
  • The Committee shall monitor the follow-up action to be taken by the Management on receipt of the Report of the Committee

Internal Compliant Committee (Vishaka Committee) Members:

NameDesignationPosition in the committee
Dr. K. PalanikumarPrincipalChairperson
Dr. B. SreeDeviHOD/CSEConvener
Dr. G. ThamaraiselviProf & HOD/ECEMember
Dr. V. Brindha DeviHOD/ITMember
Dr. Su. SuganthiHoD/AIDSMember
Dr. E. MaheswariAsso.Prof/EEEMember
Dr. Pachhaiammal @ Priya.MHoD/CCEMember
Dr. S. Helan Roselin GracyAsst. Prof/MBAMember
Dr. Kannan GireeshCEO, Live Life Education Pvt.Ltd.NGO

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